Forbes’ Career Challenge: DAY 2

How To Build Strong, Long-Lasting Relationships And Expand Your Network

Day 2: Establish your goals. This post is part of Forbes’ Career Challenge: Build Stronger Relationships In 15 Days.

I’m sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but there is no a magic pill that will instantly help you obtain a new job or advance in your career. One of the best ways to achieve long-term success is by intelligently, thoughtfully and constantly networking.

The term “networking” can sometimes have a negative connotation, one associated with putting on a fake smile, slapping someone’s back and slipping an unwanted business card into a stranger’s palm.

In my experience, networking needs to be organic and mutual for all parties involved. It just isn’t appropriate to reach out to people out of the blue, asking them to make introductions so you can get one step closer to your next step. Before you ask for anyone’s assistance, you must first start building your network by helping others without requiring anything in return. If there is a junior person on your team, offer mentoring. If you work with an experienced professional who is not up-to-date with some new technologies, provide unsolicited tutoring. If a co-worker is struggling, stay late to help him or her meet the next deadline.

Don’t think of these acts of kindness as networking, but rather as simply helping others. If the recipient feels that you are only being kind because of an ulterior motive, there will be spectacular backlash. When people truly believe that you care about them, they will only be happy to help you when offered the chance.

This may sound cold and calculating, but to get ahead in your career, you must think critically about cultivating your network. It’s important to surround yourself with a tribe of professionals who can help you throughout your journey. These should be people who you trust and you can go to for advice, counsel and guidance—the work friends who will tell you when you’re doing something that could ruin your career, who will let you know of an opening in their company, who will impart wisdom on how to navigate the challenges of reporting to a difficult boss.

Start by looking for the rising stars in your office. We all notice these fast-track people. They seem to be headed for bigger and better things right out of the gate. These fortunate folks possess charisma, smarts and the drive to succeed. Instead of being jealous of their brilliance (like most people), hitch your wagon to their growth trajectories. Don’t be intimidated and join their groups. As these fast-track professionals rapidly progress in their careers, you can go along for the ride. It’s like playing tennis—if you play against someone better than yourself, you will up your game and improve.

Cultivate relationships with the human resources professionals involved with internal recruitment at your organization, and start early, when you are onboarded. Keep in close touch with them, make sure they’re abreast of your advancement within the company and graciously let them know that you appreciate the chance they have given you. Share the names of people who could possibly fill difficult internal job openings that they are laboring to fill. The human resources professional will be the first to know of interesting openings at your firm, and if they leave to join another company, they could open doors for you at their new place of work.

Instead of looking at your colleagues as competitors, see them as partners. Go out to lunch or grab a cocktail with them after work. Invite them to your home for family parties and introduce them to your friends. As you all grow in your respective careers, you will have close contacts with whom you can brainstorm ideas, commiserate and discuss what works or doesn’t in your job. If you have a group of six people, the odds are strong that four will switch jobs within the next five years. Now, you have additional friends at a number of different companies.

Don’t fall into the cliched “I hate my boss” routine. Get to really know your manager. Understand what makes him or her tick and try to help your boss succeed. He or she could turn into a wonderful mentor, in addition to your boss. A manager can serve as a reference throughout your career. When they rise within the organization, he or she may think of you for larger jobs. If and when your boss leaves for another company, you may be offered his or her position or be recruited to join the new company.

Try to go to conferences and all sorts of industry-related meetings. At these events, don’t just stick around with your work crew. Branch out and introduce yourself to others. Start forging friendships with them. Your network will grow exponentially.

Try to avoid the negative, bitter and angry types. They will never help you and try to drag you down. You will also be adversely judged by association with these sorts.

And don’t forget to invite your new contacts to join you on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram. The platforms will vary depending on your job and level of experience. Like, comment and share their posts. It’s a great way to stay in touch. As you develop your social media reach, you can follow successful people in your field and attempt to turn the online dialogues into real relationships—further broadening your reach.

Seek out well known recruiters in your field. Even if you are not actively searching for a job, connect with them on LinkedIn, submit a résumé and set up an in-person meeting. Let them know that you are not actively looking right now, but would love to be on their radar. You can do this with up to about five recruiters. These recruiters will know almost everyone in your niche. They will fill you in on new openings, what’s happening at other companies and may know more about movements in your firm than you do.

You never really know where your next big break will come from. It could be a call from a recruiter, a former colleague or some random person you met in an elevator. With this in mind, in addition to the people I mentioned, you should always be thinking of networking inside and outside of work.  Always be open and friendly to the people you come in contact with. Your next job or career break could come from a chance interaction with a college or graduate school alumni, someone you grew up with who is now a big hotshot, the parents of your children’s friends from soccer, people you meet at religious or community events, the gym or at the local Starbucks. When you remain friendly and open, you will be amazed by how many people will want to connect with you.

By methodically, intelligently and continually seeking out quality people, you will see dramatic growth in your network—and your career, too.